Yep, blew up at 12:30 am. We live about a mile from there and didn't hear anything as we were asleep at that time. I was happy to see no one was injured. It is suspected the cause was a gas leak.
Yep. Great place! I raced ModLites in Florida for years but never got to race at VIR except to try their challenging cart track several years ago at a corporate fundraiser. The younger guys were a lot faster than me but I had over 150 pounds on them. I was over 300 then, beat them in the corners...
Man, I could have used that when I was working on my '63 Chevy pickup, had to have the cab and hood acid dipped. I probably could have bought one of those for what I was charged to dip the truck!
Thanks Mitch. I tried watching the trailer tonight but it was taking a long time to load so I'll watch it later. I started working with a sign painter while still in high school (1963-4) and learned a lot from him. Some things never leave you.
I used this method early in my career, brought over from my custom painting and lettering days where it was easy to lay out one side of a project (flames on a hot rod) and just flip it for the other side to keep symmetry without needing to take the time to painstakingly lay it out by hand. The...
Congratulations on the video, would love to see it viewed from behind you, looking forward for perspective. My father flew a 172 in 1961 when he was caught in a massive storm near McLain and Hattisburg, Mississippi, and didn't make it. (Pilot error) Mom always got really nervous when I mentioned...
I talked with Henry quite a while back, asking if they would consider a run of solid brass "Golden Boys" for engravers to work on, as I was sure there was a market for them and their reply was it was "not worth the effort." Oh well, I tried.
AKA: Tom Ter-r-i-i-f-f-fic!!!! Might help keep the dumb thoughts away too.
When I first started out I used damar varnish sprinkled with baby powder, daubing it in with my fingertips, the brushing the excess off with a shaving brush. (didn't need the brush anymore since I had a beard)
Keep the plate. I "cleaned" some of my early plates (really ugly!) and wished I had them today to show some potential students that you don't get proficient overnight. A suggestion; get a book on pen and ink drawing and practice that for a while. If you want as big a challenge as actually...
At one time I think Ray Cover had a design, and used, a portable engraving bench, one that knocked down and was easily reassembled when he had his traveling engraving school. You may want to check with him about it.