Forgot to mention post 64 to around the 80’s cannot be reblued, they turn a purple/red plum color, in that period the guns were made of some secret mishmetal and iron plated. Good luck
The new Winchester’s are made in Japan , and are of excellent quality.
Older USA made pre 64 are still for sale just remember they made millions of them, after 64 to some the quality went down, and then the company was sold and revented several times. YMMV
Nice work Leland, I recently worked on one, engraving was not too bad but the gold border was a PITA. Undercut was constant resharpening about every 1/2 inch using a dubed knife graver.
Yes not available in Iran, German red pitch may be, I have tried some it is OK. Don't know how it compares to tar. Got to work with what you have thanks again for showing your work