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  1. Jonathan.Silas


    Generally when things are to good to be true, they are.
  2. Jonathan.Silas

    Computer layout

    All of Adobe is like that, incredibly powerful manipulation, but farrr from intuitive. I'm still running photoshop 7 and I'm scared after every update that it's no longer going to work since its every bit of 15 years old.
  3. Jonathan.Silas

    Inkjet Printer for acetone transfers?

    Ive not tried transparency, but I've had good luck with the laserjet pro M102w. It's worked for regular transfers remarkably well.
  4. Jonathan.Silas

    Question: background removal vs placing cut peices of metal?

    In this case, with Japanese tsuba his inlay metal and his base metal are different alloys so that when he finishes them with different treatments they come out different colors. Different alloys of gold, silver and copper can produce very different colors. If he had just done background removal...
  5. Jonathan.Silas

    Concerning the business of engraving.

    Thank you all for taking the time to reply I'll be sure to take everything to heart. So much to learn! Best Regards Jon
  6. Jonathan.Silas


    Mr Powley Goes into that as well as some good example of inlay in this video. Dont have time stamps but it's worth the watch from the beginning
  7. Jonathan.Silas

    Question: How can I keep my new work space more quiet.

    Wall hangings, like carpets, work to soften and deflect noise, I knew a fellow that had to do computer audio work and he built a small room within the room he was working in, not sure how practical that would be for you. Also get to know your neighbors BEFORE you start annoying them, people tend...
  8. Jonathan.Silas

    Concerning the business of engraving.

    Several of you have recommended belt buckles, do you all have an example of what you mean? Are we talking about the large flashy rodeo buckles? Or just regular fittings on standard belts? Do you have a source for blanks, or is this something that I'm going to need to learn how to fabricate...
  9. Jonathan.Silas

    Concerning the business of engraving.

    John Thank you for the feed back, I actually have an classic airgraver rather than hammer and chisel but I can see where the same concept might work if I could get a spot with power and a silent compressor. I'm also fortunate to live only about 45 minutes away from Louisville where a large...
  10. Jonathan.Silas

    Concerning the business of engraving.

    This may be one of the more ignorant questions ever to grace this forum, so I will apologize in advance. But how does one actually go from scratching in copper, steel and silver to actually getting paid. Do you gentlemen (and ladies) make what you want then just post it for sale? Do you take...
  11. Jonathan.Silas

    Garage news: mini hagn underway

    Wow, that stock carving mirroring the receiver is mighty fine! Amazing work Sir!
  12. Jonathan.Silas

    Workholding idea for 12x12 plate?

    Screw a 1x2 block strip of board to the center of a 1x12 board. Clamp the 1x2 in your vice. Then glue plate to face of larger board. Have to move your vice around though at times.
  13. Jonathan.Silas

    First box

    I believe he means that there are a lot of us on the forum (myself included)that read but dont necessarily post our own work. It can be a bit intimidating posting neophyte level work like my own. When we have world renowned masters that also post here. There's no reason to feel that way and...
  14. Jonathan.Silas

    GRS Acrobat Microscope Stand ---or--- Ebay Chinese knockoff????????

    I made the mistake when I bought my ball vice, it looked just like the grs and even had an instruction sheet that had grs name on it. But its not anywhere near the quality. The holes aren't reamed out evenly and the holding fixtures dont fit in right.. I thought I had really gotten a deal but...
  15. Jonathan.Silas

    Benches and studios

    Whoops, sorry guys not sure how I messed that one up, the above is a small bit of wood carving and burning I did on a memorial black powder rifle. Since I cant get my bench to post correctly here is a direct online link, maybe that will work better.
  16. Jonathan.Silas

    Benches and studios

    Mine is currently packed up (Moving due to Divorce) but here is mine, is somewhat decent shape. A home depot bench with 3/4 maple ply top.
  17. Jonathan.Silas

    Peace Pipe

    I do soldier medic!
  18. Jonathan.Silas

    Peace Pipe

    Old medics never stop having to give safety briefings do they?
  19. Jonathan.Silas

    Peace Pipe

    Very nicely done Mr Robert's! Do you own a rather long drill bit, or are two pieces of wood carved out, then joined together to form the channel that smoke is drawn through in the handle?

