You will love it, I received mine a few weeks ago and am more than impressed with everything. She includes practice plates that can be accessed through your computer so you can follow along. My advice is to watch through the DVD in its entirety, THEN go back with your plates and cut along with...
Ide say you did fine, I love my presto! Just go easy and let the speed do the work, it's the exact opposite torque wise to using a dremel or foredom. The presto has zero torque, but at 360,000 rpm those bits erase wood and bone, and do a fine job on copper and brass.
Great improvement! On the first one it looked like you were racing the clock to finish as it got less precise from left to right. This is so much more elegantly done. Bravo!
I just know that FB will never be the kind of place that Don Foggs old forum was, or the iron brush, or our own cafe. Literally some of the top subject matter experts in the world taking time out to talk with rank amateurs like myself. Even 30 years ago the kind of knowledge available here was...
You got me really excited for a second I live in ElizabethTOWN ky, theres a local engraver but I've talked with him a few times about meeting up and it never happens, I dont want to keep bugging him.
Ok that is pretty dang nifty, I've never seen selective anodizing and that's certainly sharp. Well done, I agree a write up on your process would be well received.
..... wait half inch ABOVE the wheel? I've been lowering my drill press table half inch BELOW the wheel...... that might very well explain my cutting issues.....
Getting ready to place my order for Dianes video from GRS does anyone know what particular gravers she uses or recommends? If it's one I don't own ide like to bundle it with the video order to save on time and shipping.
Best regards
Sorry I apologize for getting off script in your thread, I've never even attempted bulino so I have very little of worth to add to your hard work. Only thing that stands out to me is possible the eye could be more distinct. The one look much the larger. Again not detracting from your work as it...
When I was in 1st CAV we had a range day where a stray cow got hit with a 25... it was an impressive yet expensive demonstration of weapon impact on a soft target, that cow cost us about 10grand by the time all was said and done.
I dont know judging by the size of the hole he was hit with at least a 25mm that ought to do the job regardless of shot placement....
This is farrrrr better work than I am capable of so I hardly feel that I should be critiquing at all. With that said possibly some separation between the back and the tail? It may very well show up much more distinct when inked and again I mean no disrespect at all.
Sir I'm a neophyte to this to put it mildly. but in some cases on larger pieces, the OBJECT doesn't move, rather the person engraving it does. For example you might have a piece locked down to a vice in the middle of an open floor, the engraver would then "flow" around it with his hammer and...