Dust cover, recoil (action) spring shroud, recoil (action) spring tunnel, they are fairly enterchangable. Not trying to tangent off the original discussion but his terminology is accepted by many 1911 builders.
Not questioning anyone who has not heard of the various terms. There are multiple...
The one in Springfield had many engraved firearms. They were dispersed throughout the dozens of displays and not in a grouping as such. I’ve never been to the one in Virginia (which is ironic as I’m only 2 hrs away).
I’m attaching some photos I took today while visiting the NRA museum. There are way too many fine examples there to catch them all. Unfortunately I had to take from a distance. I doubt they would like it if I started opening displays.
As a fellow amature, I welcome you. This is a great place to ask for guidance and the way the forum is moderated cuts out alot of the nonsense found else where.
If you have not read the beginners tool list Id start there.
Dont be hesitent to post attempts at art or design. You will definately...
I sketched my dog from a photo. It’s rudimentary I know but I am hoping for honest feedback and after more practice I will attempt again after several months
I hope no one finds this early attempt a waste of their time I do appreciate the help I have received so far.
Would you be willing to point out the areas you are refering to so I can learn from this also? I believe I see one area where a leaf appears "out-of-place" I gues it a way to describe it. I am certainly in no position to offer critics, genuinly would like to understand what part of the design...
Yes I am sorry for not replying sooner (no pun intended) That is a very nice drawing. The anatomy is very good and the texture of the fur is apparent. Fine velvety on the ears and course on the shoulders.
As a scientist I can certainly appreciate that reference. In a sort of subconcious way I probably already knew that it was purely abstract; a developed skill/appreciation without numeric parameters. I can imagine that sometimes practiced engravers could disagree on how pleasing a particular...
Your statment make perfect sense. I am also well versed in fabrication, mostly to support my gunsmith business builting benches, bluing stands and what not. I also shot compeditively while in the service and the core plays a HUGE, almost outsized role in those aftivities. I never though of it...