these are very nice, thanks for sharing, I can't believe with the amount of time my wife spends on pintrist she didn't see these thanks. pap
oh by the by........I think my cutting is better now too..........I polish the top of my gravers so I know when their not level with the base metal and I can see the tilt better too. papart1
Thanks I did that on a previous post I think, that process is time consuming beyond the so called normal time due to massive amounts of erasing and leaf/knob repairs, but yeah I'm going to do it when I think I'm ready to post again. I can't say enough about the help I'm getting here at the...
Very nice, the progression from start to 5 months is pretty dramatic. It's kinda a mix of basic and intermediate. The 3 are a of beginners, intermediate, and advanced are all defined through Sam and his direction. Other sources of instruction probably vary.I do a lot of...
Thank you sir, there is alot of similarities between yours and mine, I just have to practice,practice,practice...........I draw every day to try to up and not forget what I done, I exercise the elements individually, and now I'm drawing my own scrolls too soooo, we push on. pap
Thanks guy's, I have one of ron's books and have not looked at in many months, I will look at today and perservier, this balance senerio is something I really have to investigate, I think if I learn more about that, it would make life easier I believe pap
Thanks for guidance Bismuth, your experience in art is a wonderful thing, I on the other hand am about as artistic as a onelegged man at a butt kicking contest. I do have Mr. Alfano's cd's 2, beginners and the start to finis knife project. Both are really inspirational, as you. I watch the...