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  1. edgrabow15

    Scroll inlay troubles

    look up Master Engraving on you tube, He has a detailed video up that explains everything from start to finish
  2. edgrabow15

    This happen to anybody else?

    Take a few pictures of the damage if you can, I'd like to look at them when I see you next month..
  3. edgrabow15

    This happen to anybody else?

    Wow, Thats a tough one for sure,
  4. edgrabow15

    foredom handpieces overheating,

    Did you go to a differant motor recently ? the Fordome needs to be run on the lower RPM motor ( the LX ) its a 5000 rpm motor made for the engraver, the SP is a higher RPM motor(I think its 18,000 RPM ) it will overheat and burn up the engraver. The reason I asked if you changed recently is...
  5. edgrabow15

    Boston Area

    I live out in Shirley Long Island, N.Y., if you take the Orient point ferry to long Island Im about an hour away from where the ferry takes you . Its probably a 4 hour trip for you but I have the Lindsey set up,m the GRS Gravermach set up and also the heavy duty NGraver electric set up, your...
  6. edgrabow15

    Mauzer's pistol grip cap

    Dude. Its absolutly phenomenal. If I were the client I'd be happy as a get out also. I'm new to the world of metal engraving but know very good when I see very good. Can't wait to see more.
  7. edgrabow15

    Need some guidance

    Don't get Discouraged . IT WILL GET EASIER. make sure to know where the non pushing hand is at all times when guiding the work, It hurts like hell if and When that Graver slips and stabs you in the other hand. It can ruin the rest of your day, Good luck. You'll do Great.
  8. edgrabow15

    Question: Local Engravers

    Thanks to everyone giving me a thumbs up and a hearty welcome, with the Holiday season in full swing and my Emotions all over the place obviously thinking of my Late wife the words of encouragement are a great help.I bought the Lindsey classic along with the foot pedal and air regulators from...
  9. edgrabow15

    engravers script lettering chart

    Rust Oleum Flat black paint is a good product to use for Blackening a background on a good majority of engravings like guns, knives etc, am I correct ?
  10. edgrabow15

    engravers script lettering chart

    Im not a good Computer operator, but try this, I found this accidentally yesterday ,It was posted on the Hand Engraving Forum By Sam Our Fearless was posted on January 16th 2017 ,I tried to copy the link address he put ,lets see if I was successful lol...
  11. edgrabow15

    engravers script lettering chart

    Sam ,Another one was definitely needed, I've been looking for a good download to practice my lettering from as close to your style as possible. well I got it. Thanks and Happy Holidays
  12. edgrabow15

    Question: Local Engravers

    Thank you John, Of course with the Holidays here It's one of the toughest things I have ever felt myself going thru but I have a lot of support from my 3 grown children and 2 GREAT(I MEANT TERRIFIC LOL I'M NOT THAT OLD YET LOL ) Grand Children, Engraving is similar to Tattooing to me except...
  13. edgrabow15

    Question: Local Engravers

    Happy Holidays to all, I'm new to Metal engraving but not to the arts themselves, I've been a Tattoo Artist, Also Painting some, Im 58 yrs old Disabled and unfortunately recently Widowed, I live in Shirley Long Island and was just wondering if there was any other Members who live around me that...

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