Search results

  1. JohnC

    Who Hand Engraved Henry produced in Brooklyn NY in the late 1990s

    I have one of the original 1000 Golden boy 22lr lever guns when production was still in Brooklyn NY. Does any one know something these rifles? I know the engravers who engraved all the rest of the hand engraved ones in my collection, I would really like to know who the engraver was on this one...
  2. JohnC

    Announcement: New instructional video on The Art of Flare Cutting

    I have ordered this video too. Most of Sams videos are on purple power. I am surprised this one is being shipped to me on a DVD. It is nice to go one place to select which video for back ground sound while I engrave.
  3. JohnC

    Can you find your work?

    The bottom gun filled a long time wish. In 2003 I sent a new 9410 Winchester to their custom shop at the factory in New Haven, Ct. Leslie Dengler was the shop manager at that time. I asked her for their grade 1 coverage. Since this was a first year production gun of their .410 shotgun in a...
  4. JohnC

    Basic equipment thread

    hammers as light as 28 grams + or- are typical
  5. JohnC

    Basic equipment thread

    Hammer and chisel can last a long time even longer if practice is two or three hours at a time. I still can't draw very well so my basic practice is cutting line art drawing. I have now entered retirement and seldom can fit in an eight hour day. Two or three hours is hard to keep from being...
  6. JohnC

    So I just ordered Steve Lindsay's Bench Jewel graver.

    Fed Ex true to their word delivered my new tool today. I have it all hooked up and tomorrow I will test it out.
  7. JohnC

    Basic equipment thread

    If you can get a copy of John Shippers book, you can learn a lot from it. I attended his work shop last fall. His book is like a hard copy of his class. You will be off to a good start.
  8. JohnC

    Face Masks

  9. JohnC

    So I just ordered Steve Lindsay's Bench Jewel graver.

    You should get years and years of service from your new tools.
  10. JohnC

    Can you find your work?

    Have I mentioned that when I was working I didn't have time for engraving. The books I have read all encouraged to look at real study pieces. I have been to gun shows and looked at engraved guns. Only problem is you see them once and never again. One of the takeaways was to help budding...
  11. JohnC

    Can you find your work?

    These Winchesters were all done for me over the last 20 years. I think all engravers are FEGA members. Completion dates were 2003, 2008, 2013 & 2018 more clues later
  12. JohnC

    So I just ordered Steve Lindsay's Bench Jewel graver.

    Fed Ex emailed a notice to deliver on Monday. Waiting is part of the deal for now.
  13. JohnC

    Bench Jewel on its way.

    Monday could be funday.
  14. JohnC

    Face Masks

    An excellent suggestion, I have been using an orange neck warmer I bought for hunting, from Kmart years ago. I never thought I would need one for every family member so they could walk around the neighborhood.
  15. JohnC

    Ball Vise Questions

    I have experimented with a number of vises over the years. 1st harbor freight centering vise mounted on Dad's old bowling ball placed inside a cherry wood box filled with marbles. A little cumbersome, but the kids kept playing with the marbles, need less to say many marbles never returned. Next...
  16. JohnC

    So I just ordered Steve Lindsay's Bench Jewel graver.

    I recently purchased a compressor from Harbor Freight. It is oil-less and has plenty of capacity one tool at a time, O ya, it didn't break the bank either.
  17. JohnC

    Interview with Tiffany & Co´s Former Master Craftsman: Jason Marchiafaval

    I just purchased Jason's program on push engraving. It promises to be an interesting study. I guess this will be my 2020 training regiment.
  18. JohnC

    JohnC practice plates

    This practice plate was done after I purchased and watched Sam Alfano's Hammer and chisel video.
  19. JohnC

    Question: Looking for sharpening fixture

    Hi Alex: I shipped your tools this morning your USPS tracking number is 9505 5163 0188 0090 3740 84. thanks for helping to fund my new Lindsay Bench Jewel graver. There are several you tube videos demonstrating the proper use of the sharpener. One thing for sure you will get consistent tool...
  20. JohnC

    working while staying at home

    Marty: You won't remember me I am sure. I met you at a Syracuse gun show. You gave me my first engraving lesson that day. You drew a fishhook scroll and said don't do this. Then you drew a more rounded scroll and said do this. So I am finally retired and have time to learn and practice...

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