I too, hurry to finish sometimes and always see some thing I wish had taken more time with. I am now trying and cutting the main lines of the scroll and then drawing the leafs or is it leaves? Redrawing them again to improved odd looking ones. This sometimes leads to a better engraving. Not...
One video that covers many different topics in the engraving field is GRS video by Don Glasser. It is a good reference video for many different facets of engraving.
GRS ITEM #011-483
This two-part set puts years of engraving experience into a 4-hour...
If you look at the very first post on the forums tab you will see Ken Hunt drawings. I can't think of a better place to start. There are many books and videos on the subject of scroll. I have a few done by Sam the Benevolent dictator. I play them for background motivation while I am at the...
I may have previously posted this in the wrong place.
The squirrel and the hen turkey were done 2012 in Jesse Houser's class.
The two Rococo plates were done in 2019 in John Shippers class.
Good likeness, line drawings can allow fast work you can go nuts with shading. And when it suits you you may just do that. Your efforts are shaping up nicely.
Grs has a number of instructors who are well qualified to teach engraving. I haven't attended any of their classes but I have met some of their instructors at gun show etc.
For training I chose a less costly course. In 2012 I attended an NRA 10 day instruction at Montgomery Community college...
I typically use 3/32" square graver(s). Since I have the GRS Dual angle fixture I have been experimenting with sharpening round HHS drill blanks. Why you ask? They are inexpensive to purchase, They cut the same as the sharpened square graver and most importantly the round blank(s) don't cut into...
I have found that most of the time "less is more". It appears your engraving experience needs more time and practice. In my case, I am still making Christmas ornaments or key chains. I have yet to cut "gun steel"
I have finally retired from my career in Fleet Management and Maintenance. If I am rewarded with 15 to 20+ years of retirement I hope I can become a skillful engraver. For now I am doing Christmas tree ornaments I have a few firearm projects planned for when I think my skills will enhance them...
I have seen photos of engravers using them. Their cost is often more than a micro scope. When I need freedom from the scope I use reading glasses. 2x 2.5x work fairly well and cost just a few dollars.