I am glad you explained your process. I know, that when I am drawing up a design, I always feel like I don't know what I am doing( which is true in a sense), because I feel it takes a long time to finish a design. When you start engraving, you look at what others do, you watch video's. When you see people designing, it looks effortless and fast. It's very comforting to know for newbies like me, that even the more seasoned take their time designing.When I get ready to do a project the first, I make an outline of the object. It is either a pencil rub on paper or a smoke pull. Then it is scanned into the computer and a vector image is produced and printed so I can have something to draw on. Then the drawing time, for me it doesn't happen quickly. Then after many tries to get something I like. That is scanned into the computer and a vector image of my final drawing is produced for transfer. Next, I cut a practice plate to see how to cut and what it will look like when finished. If I am happy with as to how it looks, I will do the final cutting. Then we need to decide how it is to be finished. Is it to be blued, left bright, or case colored? So how long does it Take? I have no idea. I know others would not take the time I do.
Really, if anyone keeps track of the hours that they put into a project I'm sure we would like to hear from you.