is this chinese graver set any good?


Elite Cafe Member
Mar 17, 2016
Spencerport, NY
I'm a novice engraver...this isn't an easy craft to learn, not at all. There's a LOT to take in... The drawing aspect, Layout, design, magnification, sharpening, the tools themselves... all of it.

It can be REALLY daunting.

This translates to a LOT of time spent learning just the basics. And when the time comes to actually cut metal, it sure is much harder if you also have to do battle with your tools. This is hard enough as it is.

We don't need shiny new tools. We need high quality tools that actually work and can get the job done. When one of the experts, whom I have chosen to listen to voices their opinion, I actually listen, because after all they ARE the experts that are doing this every day.

We're lucky to have access to the experts that spend a portion of their day or week in this forum. We're lucky that they will chime-in and tell us that some knock-off Chinese machine is inferior, and is a waste of our time and money. It doesn't make sense to question them, but I can understand that it's human nature to question authority.

In my opinion, quality tools are NOT a luxury... they are a necessity. And quality doesn't always mean expensive. A properly sharpened concrete nail is a quality tool. A Chinese knock-off of a GRS machine that doesn't function well, will not be as a reliable as properly sharpened nail!

My dad used to say: "If you don't have the money to buy the right tool, where will you find the money to replace it?"

My entire engraving setup has been purchased second-hand, or home-made. From the microscope right on down to the gravers themselves. People have been generous with me as well, My engraving vise was a gift from a Knife Maker in Texas.

Another old saying about buying quality: "When you buy quality, you'll complain once... about the price. When you buy inferior products, you'll complain every time you use them."

Just my 2¢


Elite Cafe Member
Jun 22, 2016
San Francisco Bay Area, California
I agree. I have experience in other fields where I never buy Chinese (or other cheap low quality items). As I've often told others in those fields "I can't afford cheap sh@t". Just because it looks like a tool or part doesn't mean it works. As a complete novice who still has trouble even marring a test plate I'm in no rush for advanced tools and will bide my time saving and watching for deals on good tools.

Andrew Biggs

Nov 10, 2006
Christchurch, New Zealand
Having brought tools for one thing or another over my whole lifetime it's safe to say they can be put into one of two categories.

1. Tools that work and do what they are supposed to do every time you use them..............They are a pleasure to use and make life easier.

2. Tools that slow you down, don't work as advertised, work only occasionally and generally drive you insane..............avoid at all costs.

Generally speaking the first lot of tools are initially more expensive than the second lot.

The second lot of tools cost you more in lost time, effort, frustration and swear words. And they cost more money in the long run because you end up buying the first lot of tools and wonder what you were thinking at the time.

Human nature is a wonderful thing :)



Elite Cafe Member
Apr 10, 2016
Baltimore Md
Mike Morgan ........... Sorry but it does make sense to question the experts because that is a great way to learn. You have to understand the whys so you can better learn the how's ......... Taking something at face value doesn't help you learn.

I totally agree with everything else you said.


Elite Cafe Member
Mar 17, 2016
Spencerport, NY
Mike Morgan ........... Sorry but it does make sense to question the experts because that is a great way to learn. You have to understand the whys so you can better learn the how's ......... Taking something at face value doesn't help you learn.

I totally agree with everything else you said.

Oh, absolutely it is good to question the experts! It's the shortest path to knowledge after all... But I feel it's in bad form to question the quality of their answer!

I'm quick to question the expert... I ask their opinion... They answer. I generally don't see the need to make them justify their opinion. It seems rude, since I was the one asking for advice in such a case. A long time ago I learned that I have two ears and one mouth, and my life always is much easier when I use them in that exact proportion.

Dave London

~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 12, 2006
Thanks Mike
Perfect answer, to the folks whom don't use thier names and or locations to Snipe from anonymity
Also I no longer answer questions from people whom do not provide the common curtesy, of identifying them selves.
Most likely no loss to them but not worth my time MTC
Last edited:


Elite Cafe Member
Mar 17, 2016
Spencerport, NY
Thanks Mike
Perfect answer, to the folks whom don't use thier names and or locations to Snipe from anonymity

I'm here to learn. When I discovered that this forum was here I was amazed that some of the best engravers alive today actually frequent this forum, and a guy like myself can actually interact with them. Can there be a better scenario? This is amazing!

I was quick to become a pledge member, because the value I have received just from reading through the VOLUMES of information here has value that cannot be purchased at any price. I respect the time that folks give of themselves to help others at another point along the same path. The quality of interaction here has been useful, and stimulating! And I am learning from it. A lot.

I was on the path of buying a microscope... and the sticky on microscope selection posted here is AMAZING... I see no need to question what it says... and in following the advice I paid considerably less for a superior used scope. I would have purchased a scope on the "DON'T BUY" list... then what? Lose money... buy the real deal... it saved me serious money, but more importantly, it saved me time. Time I have spent practicing, and molesting future scrap metal.

I just find it problematic when somebody asks for advice, then that advice is questioned. Maybe it's me, but I just thought it could be construed as being disrespectful.

And part of me feels that if a person wants to be accepted into an existing community, perhaps it's best to let people know who I am... Post a picture of myself... use my real name... and be brutally honest about my actual skill level (pretty low, actually... thanks for asking) that way I can get the most value from this amazing opportunity.

I hope my responses are not out of place, I've come to really value this forum, and it's become a daily visit now.

TO ALL THE EXPERTS... Thank you for all you do for us beginners...

AND TO ALL THE BEGINNERS, PAST AND PRESENT: Thank you for your thoughtful questions that the experts have answered, I have learned a LOT because you walked down this path ahead of me.


Chief Administrator & Benevolent Dictator
Staff member
Nov 6, 2006
Covington, Louisiana
I'm a novice engraver...this isn't an easy craft to learn, not at all. There's a LOT to take in... The drawing aspect, Layout, design, magnification, sharpening, the tools themselves... all of it.

It can be REALLY daunting.

This translates to a LOT of time spent learning just the basics. And when the time comes to actually cut metal, it sure is much harder if you also have to do battle with your tools. This is hard enough as it is.

We don't need shiny new tools. We need high quality tools that actually work and can get the job done. When one of the experts, whom I have chosen to listen to voices their opinion, I actually listen, because after all they ARE the experts that are doing this every day.

We're lucky to have access to the experts that spend a portion of their day or week in this forum. We're lucky that they will chime-in and tell us that some knock-off Chinese machine is inferior, and is a waste of our time and money. It doesn't make sense to question them, but I can understand that it's human nature to question authority.

In my opinion, quality tools are NOT a luxury... they are a necessity. And quality doesn't always mean expensive. A properly sharpened concrete nail is a quality tool. A Chinese knock-off of a GRS machine that doesn't function well, will not be as a reliable as properly sharpened nail!

My dad used to say: "If you don't have the money to buy the right tool, where will you find the money to replace it?"

My entire engraving setup has been purchased second-hand, or home-made. From the microscope right on down to the gravers themselves. People have been generous with me as well, My engraving vise was a gift from a Knife Maker in Texas.

Another old saying about buying quality: "When you buy quality, you'll complain once... about the price. When you buy inferior products, you'll complain every time you use them."

Just my 2¢

Truly a great post, Mike! Lot's of good advice and tidbits. Thank you for posting this.


Elite Cafe Member
Apr 10, 2016
Baltimore Md
Thanks Mike
Perfect answer, to the folks whom don't use thier names and or locations to Snipe from anonymity
Also I no longer answer questions from people whom do not provide the common curtesy, of identifying them selves.
Most likely no loss to them but not worth my time MTC

I don't hide my name. My name is Rick Hahn and I'm in Baltimore Md I will also post my address and phone number if you want. I question because I didn't get enough information to understand why and not to snipe those that know.


Elite Cafe Member
Apr 10, 2016
Baltimore Md
Ok ....... I get it ......... Don't ask questions just accept what the gurus say without understanding the reason why cause that's disrespectful ........ Got it


Chief Administrator & Benevolent Dictator
Staff member
Nov 6, 2006
Covington, Louisiana
Ok ....... I get it ......... Don't ask questions just accept what the gurus say without understanding the reason why cause that's disrespectful ........ Got it

C'mon Rick. Posts like that will get you nowhere here. Let's do a group hug now and move on.

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