Sam, Thanks. A good way to remember. .25 mm would be .010.for me, the ideal heel length is about .25mm. I tell students that the heel shouldn't exceed one of the black line markings on a common ruler. Mine are usually shy of the thickness of one of the lines. Using the ruler as a guide gives you a visual.
For what it's worth, this is the very same method that i use.It is something you'll have to figure out by trial and error. You'd have a devil of a time trying to measure how wide the heel is on a graver. Make your graver angles with your face being the last. Then, with no power, make the heel with just the weight of the fixture on the hone and scoot the wheel or stone just a few inches and look at the result. Don't do too much, you want to creep up on it. Make one about as wide as a common staple thickness. Then make the other side match and try it out on some script lettering or some curves and go from there to make adjustments as needed.