Who's Who of Engravers Directory , need your help


New Member
Dec 19, 2010
Can anyone help identify this signature off my Browning Superposed?

Thank you in advance.



New Member
Jun 21, 2011
Reseda, California, United States
Gosh I may be a little late with this response but how about CJ Allan/motorcycle engraver and Tay Herrera/"metal remover". How's that book coming along..I am new to the engraving world and could sure use it. For instance...what is "layering"?


Nov 11, 2009
well there seems a connect as i am now too old to care i was having a bit of fun. glad to rattle the chains bruce, aka art65(now 70) ,aka AB or just old engraver from dino age


~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 3, 2011
Haida Gwaii
Charles Edenshaw.
He was a Haida Artist who died in 1920.
he has had a significant impact on the Northwest Coast art world.
He is the Primary influence on all the living greats within this artistic and engraving tradition.
he was one of the first to take up engraving for haida art, and yet few can stand uo to his level even today.
the hallmarks of his particular style are the standards of today.
i attended an auction where a silver cuff of his went for 110,000.
also noteworthy, he used a drw style of engraving, pulling the tool towards himself, in the way wood carving is done.

Dani Girl

:::Pledge Member:::
::::Pledge Member::::
May 6, 2012
NSW, Australia.
I haven't read through all the posts so mine may be duplicates.

I reckon

Andrew Biggs is bringing some fresh new ideas and styles into engraving and is an incredible engraver and should be on the list.

Roger Bleile

~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Oct 4, 2007
Northern Kentucky
The original concept of this thread as stated by Scott Pilkington:
"So I propose we create a who’s who list. Not one of every Tom, Dick or Sally who ever made metal chips, but of those who have had great impact on the art overall. Historically names like Rembradt and Durer come to mind, and more recently, L.D. Nimschke, Gustav Young, Griebel, E.C Prudhomme, Alvin White, Ray Virmontez, John Rohner. Renown teachers of the art current or past like Jim Small, Neil Hartleip, John Barraclough, George Sherwood, Sam Alfano or Brian Marshall. Inventors and suppliers like Ray Phillips, Don Glaser and Steve Lindsay of course, People who are currently working whose style is greatly admired or copied like Eric Gold, Ron Smith or of course Steve Lindsay. People who greatly promoted the work or authored books like John Amber, or Ken Warner, Tom Turpin, or Roger Bleile . Those who tops in the field today like Ray Cover, Ken Hunt, Sam Alfano or Phillipe Grifnee, or multiple Italian , German and Austrian engravers. Not just gun engraving but tops in other fields historically such as motorcycle or banjo work. This list in this paragraph is not meant to be all inclusive, I could add to any of the categories, these were just some names I am throwing out that quickly come to mind, so that you can help me get a list that IS all inclusive.!!"

Despite the above, people keep throwing names out with no explanation as to why they should be included in a list of those who have had great impact on the art overall.

For what its worth, I have been compiling a compendium of professional gun engravers as an aspect of my position as FEGA historian. It is not just a list. The compendium includes all of the information that I can find about each engraver, living or dead. The compendium is limited to professional gun engravers for three reasons. Firstly, FEGA is an organization of gun engravers, Secondly, there are just too many people, historically, who engraved jewelry, lettering, and other objet d'art to ever hope to have anything like a comprehensive list. Third, I have limited it to professional gun engravers because there have been so many hobbyists and tinkerers over the years who have engraved a few guns that it would be hopeless to include them all. Eventually, I hope to make the compendium a public, Internet document so that people with more information can contact me.


Jun 18, 2016
In my opinion Jason
Has unique skillset in jewellery also engraving(bulino,inlays,sculpting) all those skills combined truly makes hes work exceptional.
Hes has inspired me to and many others with hes unique and astetic designs and excellent execution no matter weather its banknote ,jewellery (designing,making and engraving).I my opinion he looks at things in very unique away.

Also Rashid El Hadi has left big impact creating very vell known masterpieces but many many engravers does not recognize his name.

There are 4 people I look up to when I need inspiration and as a remindment of why I choosed to be engraver

Steve Lindsay
Barry Lee Hands
Jason Marchiafava
And Rashid El Hadi.

Even know after 2 years of engraving each time I look at their work only now I have developed appreciation how excellent their work is and while many spend their lifetime mastering certain skills those names have very very wide skills sets (and Jason,despite hes young age masters most if not even all of them.)

I hope this was helpful,I just thought to share my opinion

Also Shaun Hughes, even if hes work is not top notch exactly he is the man who most people will find typing "hand engraving" on youtube and other social media.
He deserves to be recognized just buy that ridiculous amount of people he introduced world of handengraving, showing how to get started,showing simple techniques.
But like I said im not talking about Shaun skill I think he would be winner in category promoting our trade world wide asking nothing in exchange.
Last edited:


New Member
May 18, 2024
NOTE AS of APRIL 2009, this list has been installed online

back to orginal post

Sortof coincidental with Sam’s Historic Engravers Picture posthttp://www.igraver.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1484

I was thinking along a similar line today. I was working on my dictionary of engraving terms for my long,ever evolving engraving book project, and was thinking that there should be a Who’s Who reference list of famous engravers to assimilate for newcomers to our art. What got me thinking about it was the list of the engraver’s of John Rohner’s hammer collection, and the fact that an engraving practioner and former student of mine from several years ago, did’nt recognize the historic significance of many of the names.

So I propose we create a who’s who list. Not one of every Tom, Dick or Sally who ever made metal chips, but of those who have had great impact on the art overall. Historically names like Rembradt and Durer come to mind, and more recently, L.D. Nimschke, Gustav Young, Griebel, E.C Prudhomme, Alvin White, Ray Virmontez, John Rohner. Renown teachers of the art current or past like Jim Small, Neil Hartleip, John Barraclough, George Sherwood, Sam Alfano or Brian Marshall. Inventors and suppliers like Ray Phillips, Don Glaser and Steve Lindsay of course, People who are currently working whose style is greatly admired or copied like Eric Gold, Ron Smith or of course Steve Lindsay. People who greatly promoted the work or authored books like John Amber, or Ken Warner, Tom Turpin, or Roger Bleile . Those who tops in the field today like Ray Cover, Ken Hunt, Sam Alfano or Phillipe Grifnee, or multiple Italian , German and Austrian engravers. Not just gun engraving but tops in other fields historically such as motorcycle or banjo work. This list in this paragraph is not meant to be all inclusive, I could add to any of the categories, these were just some names I am throwing out that quickly come to mind, so that you can help me get a list that IS all inclusive.

Thanks for your help, I look forward to everyone’s list. Please post them here in this thread so other can see the names and not need to duplicate. I will assimilate them in a spread sheet so they can be easily sorted alphabetically and then repost the lists so they can quickly be scanned to see if a name is left off. If it’s a name I don’t recognize, I will contact you for more details about who they are and why they should be included.
I recently bought a Lloyd Hale bowie knife made about 1974. It is nicely engraved, with the initial of the engraver appearing to be "BG." Does anyone have any information to identify the engraver? I hope the photo posts here since that would maybe help identify the artist. Thanks, Larry


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