Happy 2019 to the Cafe members!
Your Pledge Membership is very much appreciated. I just paid our dedicated server hosting bill of $927 for another year. This doesn't include recent software upgrades and more.
Your Pledge Membership donations help offset that cost and keep the world's greatest discussion forum and repository of hand engraving information free for all. So if your Pledge Membership is current, thank you! If it's not, please help by becoming a member soon.
Thank you all!
Your Pledge Membership is very much appreciated. I just paid our dedicated server hosting bill of $927 for another year. This doesn't include recent software upgrades and more.
Your Pledge Membership donations help offset that cost and keep the world's greatest discussion forum and repository of hand engraving information free for all. So if your Pledge Membership is current, thank you! If it's not, please help by becoming a member soon.
Thank you all!