where did you get the jerimiah watt videos? i aspire to do cowboy silver and would like to get those videos but cant find them anywhere.
I have two engraved guns done by your grandfather, trappers model 92 winchester 44/40 & colt frontier six shooter 44/40 . The guns were done together late fiftys early sixties, they were left to me by my late father, there extremely engraved & have gold , silver inlays matching one another, any info would be appreciated ,have pics of guns , please contact or Email peterfallasr@gmail.com
send money to;
Lee Griffiths
25 S Main
Hyde Park, UT
Cash is always best. One fellow sent me cash in an old video case, quite creative. Do you need a receipt for the business? Include return shipping instructions and have fun.
Hello, regarding CL9000, I have changed my mind, I will sell CL9000 if you are interested. Email me on amirkhan8225@live.com. You can ask my credibility to Edward Grabow I sold many items to him. Asking price is USD1400. plus shipping also if you are paying by PayPal add 90 for PayPal fee. Where do you live?
E-Mail me on above email. If you are interested. Cheers. Amir
Juliet,If are interested in a engraving class I teach engraving in Manassas Virginia and have a Lindsay engraving tool and sharping system,I can be reached at 703-330-0448 or jjrengraver@aol.com. J.J.Roberts
Bailey Bradshaw here. I was hoping you could help with a contact for Mr. Hurst's estate. He was engraving an action for a rifle I built, but passed away before completing it. I am trying to have the action returned so I can finish the rifle for my customer. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
It was bought in the fall of 2017 by the guy I bought it from, ,Yesterday I replaced the O ring in the tip so it can be used quick change by just inserting a Graver with out loosening any of the set screws if you want to, I also installed 3 new set screws for the gravers in case you'd want to use them to hold in the graver more secure for any reason . Just like a new one.
David & Kathy Bain were involve in his life as David was a student and hosted a number of EngraveIns ay their house. The last number for David that I have is. 252-399-1368
Archie Woodworth