It’s all about the practice. I’d say you’re on the way. Most regular folks look at the whole panel not individual elements. just about any engraving will reveal flaws if viewed microscopically. Almost an obsession with the use of hipower optics for cutting now imho.
Understood, if it had historical value it (re-engraving) will greatly reduce it. See this type of thing all the time, rebluing historical rifles, knives, you name it. Removing dings & dents sometimes sanding stocks & removing cartouches etc. in an attempt to make it look good/ new.would be like...
I would guess a longer heel , 45/50 face. Never heard Or seen any gun meant for actual firing made of cast iro unless it’s for decorative purposes.
These pistols are over 100 yrs. Old. Back then they didn’t fool proof firearms making them with super hard alloy So they they’d be easy to cut. If the guns are Nazi marked they are collectible and command fairly high price, even the commercial ones can be pricey, in other words they ain’t (just...