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  1. Dave London

    Question: Magnification

    And of course TOS nickname is eagle eyes
  2. Dave London

    Question: Magnification

    Dang Sam ,that is one class I think I will skip
  3. Dave London


    I use German made cuticle scissors. Works great small scissors for small work.MTC YMMV
  4. Dave London

    Japanese Inlay Technique.

    Thanks DanM
  5. Dave London

    Japanese Inlay Technique.

    Dan M how do you clean up the area that is not inlayed.?
  6. Dave London

    Silversmiths of Dublin 1980

    Maybe plaster
  7. Dave London

    files to use ?

    Love the smell of sulfurated cutting oil in the morning:eek: also get some chalk and rub on the file dry it will help keep from pinning, brownells sells file chalk
  8. Dave London

    New guy

    Start by cutting straight lines ,when there are no curves and the depth and width are the same. Cut them some more till each line is perfect. Then start on circles same thing. Yep boring but necessary. At least it was for me. Cold rolled mild steel works good for practice plates, a lot less...
  9. Dave London

    Ti practice material

    When you cut 6AL4V it crumbles like cast iron,no nice clean curls. Good luck have fun
  10. Dave London

    Turntable use ... i dont get it :(

    Steve Lindsay makes a turntable vise It does not have the rotation feature a regular ball vise has, which you lock when using a turntable. So Daniel are you locking the rotation feature on your ball vise, if not you need too
  11. Dave London

    Help, please: Classes in Germany

    Also a school by Martin S in Austria
  12. Dave London

    Updated P&V Design

    Sweet keep cutting, don’t let all that dense soggy air down there slow you up.:beerchug:
  13. Dave London

    Trigger Guard engraving: How to....

    1/4 inch thick lead plates in vise jaws. MTC YMMV
  14. Dave London

    Help, please: Need help with deep relief cutting

    I agree Allan , I use 30 psi 98% of the time and I mostly work on guns and knives. I was just trying to explain how to get more power if he felt he needed it MTC YMMV
  15. Dave London

    Help, please: Need help with deep relief cutting

    It appears you are cutting brass, use the heavy piston , open all the ports and crank the air pressure up to 90 psi
  16. Dave London

    Question: Best bench stone for polishing hss gravers?

    Check ebxxx for Chinese made ruby stones cheap but amazing quality . YMMV
  17. Dave London

    Ray Viramontez engraved gun

    Yes he was a gentleman, I spoke to him several times, a font of knowledge. Also sold me 6 of his graver holding handles
  18. Dave London

    metal chequering

    Good Job , checkering is a PITA. I have used checkering files and 60 degree very fine riffers
  19. Dave London

    My Nikon SMZ1

    GRS used to sell oculars , you need to measure the dia in mm. Good luck