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  1. mitch

    What Makes Us Human?

    engravers? or just people in general?
  2. mitch

    1921 engraver's signature?

    Paging Mr. Bleile, Mr. Roger Bleile, please call your service...
  3. mitch

    Who engraved this?

    I'd agree it's not actually Lynton's, but it's one of the better impressions I've seen over the years. Any more info on the provenance? I suppose a signature search came up empty? I wonder what's up with the cat? It kinda looks like an inlay was abandoned...
  4. mitch

    Stippling a GRS handpiece

    those knobs are aluminum and anodizing can be done in almost any color imaginable.
  5. mitch

    Stippling a GRS handpiece

    i'm all for modifying tools to suit the user. my Monarch handpiece has a swivel air fitting so the tubing is free to turn without twisting. One thing I've wanted GRS to do for years is color-code their handpieces. I have a Monarch, a Magnum, and a 901, and they're all anodized a light bluish...
  6. mitch

    Today's Wildlife Shots

    There are a %$#&load of bears in the Asheville area and my house is right on the boundary between two neighborhoods with a busy-ish street behind me. Mine is the only unfenced backyard on the block and it's right by the access into the other neighborhood, so over the years the wildlife- bears...
  7. mitch

    What to charge??

    as the world famous oil well firefighter, Red Adair, said when asked about his fees: "I like my customers to be happy, not ecstatic."
  8. mitch


    hold their family hostage until the job is finished to your satisfaction. there is no such thing as being TOO proactive.
  9. mitch

    Gravers/Graver Sharpening Questions

    "I was recommended an Onglette graver from GRS, and have no idea what to do with it." really? unless you need to undercut some fine inlay cavities or some other specialized task involving deep fine lines or narrow sculpting details, i'd chuck it in the back of the drawer and forget about it...
  10. mitch

    Pets in the shop

    i haven't had a dog for over a year and i still catch myself checking that. probably will for the rest of my life. on a related note, Bailey, my first Jack Russell Terrier (of an eventual pack of six) had a habit of jumping into my lap WHILE I WAS ENGRAVING. that'll teach you to expect the...
  11. mitch

    Pets in the shop

    This is Jillian. She's been gone a couple years, but her & her sisters' spirits are still strong.
  12. mitch


    As John said, beware of plating companies that will buff the ever-loving-%#@& out of your piece. In fact, even if you are excruciatingly specific about that, you still may need to stand guard with a loaded shotgun while they do it. I've heard, and seen, the horror stories of platers who...
  13. mitch

    Beginner Setup Questions

    Shane- For your situation I would strongly recommend starting out with just a couple hand burins -"push gravers"- and not worry about H&C for awhile. Get a good small ball vise, a basic sharpening set up, some copper plates, and have fun getting the hang of cutting short, relatively shallow...
  14. mitch

    Inverting text

    since i use it so seldom, rather than buying a 100 sheet pack for like $40(?), i just buy 10 blank 'copies' from Office Depot for $2 ea. yeah, it's much more expensive per sheet, but i save $20 and get about a 5 yr supply. btw- i just use the plain laser transparency stuff for reversing...
  15. mitch

    Inverting text

    You're welcome, Leland, glad to be of assistance. I still use the transparency trick for some things, it depends. Since that stuff is expensive ($2/sheet?), I reuse it as much as possible by positioning whatever needs printed/copied next in a blank space of the transparency and running it thru...
  16. mitch

    Inverting text

    on an iMac opening pretty much any image file brings up a Tools option in the top row of pull-down menus. Flip Horizontal or Flip Vertical will do what you want. the slightly more low-tech method is copying/printing on a transparency, then copying that thru the back side.
  17. mitch

    Question: Quotable

    this has been taped to the edge of my bench, right in front of my vise, for at least 30 years...
  18. mitch

    What has gone wrong with the Cafe?

    funny you say that. just yesterday i mentioned my problems to a woman and she said, and i quote, "Oh, yeah, the last update messed up my Samsung Android so bad I'll probably have to get a new phone. It's how they force you to give up your old phone, so it's not just Apple."
  19. mitch

    Nature doesn't hurry yet everything is accomplished

    That pic looking up the tree, and the full moon too, remind me of one of the many, many nights I escorted an old dog outside to pee (bear with me, this gets better). It was winter and there had been a light freezing rain earlier, but the sky was now crystal clear. With a full moon directly...
  20. mitch

    What has gone wrong with the Cafe?

    if it's anything like the latest update on my iPhone, we're in for trouble. gggrrrrrrrrrrrrr....