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  1. papart1

    Ken Onion Leek

    can I ask.what color changes did you get with annealing this .s.s please?
  2. papart1

    BM 9mm

    Jersey, new york and illinois gotta be careful of
  3. papart1

    BM 9mm

    Thing that really gets me can't buy out of your state at a gun shop
  4. papart1

    BM 9mm

    Well certainly hit that nail,MI. is always after your money since they stopped the yearly trailer tag renewal, you buy once and thats it. The county I live in and the rest as far as gun reg's id one of the most corrupt in the state. Remmber this is where the water crisis was born...
  5. papart1

    BM 9mm

    I don't think they allow anything with the Uzi name here..................I guess there are bone heads everywhere!!!
  6. papart1

    Ken Onion Leek

    your line cuts are very similar to mine........only difference is my form construction
  7. papart1

    Ken Onion Leek

    man.........that looks just great!!!!:thumbsup::thumbsup:
  8. papart1

    star bm 9mm

    The design process has began
  9. papart1

    Announcement: English scroll for your help...^^

    particularly the woodcock...........all are beautiful.
  10. papart1

    Announcement: English scroll for your help...^^

    His web site is gone too
  11. papart1

    BM 9mm

    the only way we for go a bc is having a cpl here. ffl takes a copy of cpl+drivers license and completes the transfer procedure.
  12. papart1

    BM 9mm you down there Kentucky need one too? Unless of course you are the ffl!
  13. papart1

    BM 9mm

    yes sir you do, you buy the chosen weapon from whom ever, have it sent to you ffl, the ffl does the paper work and you keep a copy............the other goes to your local county sheriff thereby registering it.
  14. papart1

    AMT Backup .380 auto -- first post as well

    Rust-oleum rust dissolver jelly is the cat's... for stripping.
  15. papart1

    AMT Backup .380 auto -- first post as well

    where's the pics????? please
  16. papart1

    transparency film and transfers

    I use the pictorico almost exclusively, and yes multiple..........maybe 3 max
  17. papart1

    BM 9mm

    purchase permit
  18. papart1

    BM 9mm

    the only number to be concerned about is what is on the P.P.
  19. papart1

    BM 9mm

    yup, the numbr on the right side I think front of the trigger guard is the year of birth. I just did smoke pulls today.There was what I thought was flash rust but turns out it's shallow pitting, took a little longer to rid it. Tracing and some designing soon.
  20. papart1

    BM 9mm

    Here is the project hope all find it interesting