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  1. Frank P

    Graver angle chart by Allen Clapp

    cool!! thanks !!
  2. Frank P

    Graver angle chart by Allen Clapp

    Is very handy indeed! a better/bigger resolution of the chart would be possible? thanks in advance
  3. Frank P

    Announcement: My new video ADVANCED SHADING Master Class

    Great video! 80 learning minutes went by like nothing!! Sam, you re the man!
  4. Frank P

    Announcement: My new video ADVANCED SHADING Master Class

    Hello out there what s the duration of the video? thanks in advance
  5. Frank P

    THE LISTER BOYS: A Legacy of Craftsmanship and Country Music (AMAZING METAL ENGRAVING)

    Same for me!!! But know I ve met that great guy behind the splendid engravings even more!!!!! Great video, great personalities!!!!
  6. Frank P

    Leonardo Da Vinci s Treatise on Painting

    I have the book in french version, this one might be very interesting too.. but I am not really a translator as english nor french is my nativer language... a little help would come in handy
  7. Frank P

    Animal Pic

    one is clearly more majestic than the other ;-)
  8. Frank P

    Leonardo Da Vinci s Treatise on Painting

    the mirror.... have a look and learn from biggest all time master of the art universe in these digital days the mirror function of a drawing program comes in very handy!! have a nice day, stay safe and healthy
  9. Frank P

    graver geometry calculator

    You only need that first page.....
  10. Frank P

    Exposition Antwerp

    For those who might be interested : nice temporary Exposition in Antwerp Belgium and certainly worth to take a visit to the Print Cabinet in the same building...
  11. Frank P

    US serial numbers, markings ...

    thanks a bunch , Scott and Roger
  12. Frank P

    US serial numbers, markings ...

    Thank you very much, Sir.. In what way is the importer identified on the firearm ?
  13. Frank P

    US serial numbers, markings ...

    Hello out there I ve recently been told about fire arms entering the USA, purchased or on sale, from Europe or elsewhere, receive additional markings and/or serial numbers once on US territory... Is that true? Is that a job done by anyone of you? Is it done esthetically? What with full...
  14. Frank P

    practice drawing

    As drawing is the most important stage of a good engraving, you can t put enough time in it.. .. books can be interesting, but nothing beats a real teacher.. I advice some drawing class, to get a good understanding of Proportion and "riddum" (as Ron Smith says.). and... if you want to...
  15. Frank P

    Veterans Day

    From Europe.... Especially thanks for those , dead or alive ,who came to save our *** , twice We will never forget about that, and not only on Armistice Day here.
  16. Frank P

    Help, please: Help me find a post in the forum.

    here s another amazing one
  17. Frank P

    Power Hone Dust cover

    Thanks Mitch, I ll have to find one with Swiss sockets, These are even different than the Standard european ones
  18. Frank P

    Power Hone Dust cover

    thanks, Mitch, No it isn t connected too, you see the switch cable on the Right on the pic.. and sometimes , even the switch is just aside, I Forget to put it on.. thanks for the link, will certainly have a look, this is the next Level I have to go
  19. Frank P

    Power Hone Dust cover

    As it s not something you find in engraver suppliers Catalog, but nevertheless an import Health issue.. I d like to show my quick home made version of a "grinding dust remover" I d really like to see some pictures of other versions ... even maybe making some companies thinking about it s...
  20. Frank P

    Drawing App Da Vinci Eye

    At 00:48 something that looked familiar popped up;) This app might help , for the most important aspect of engraving... Happy holidays Frank:beerchug:

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