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  1. L

    FEGA show wrap up

    It was sure good to see friends again and make a few new ones. Thank you for dropping by and saying hi. Congratulations to Wade Wilson and Tom Harvey as new Masters. Barry Lee Hands won three awards with a superb rifle created in conjunction with the late great Jerry Fisher. Marianne Kelley won...
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    Howard Dove shout out

    I am at the Colt Collectors Show and want to give a shout out to Mike Dubber and Tom Harvey. They received recognition in the Howard Dove voting and will be taking a pony home as a result of their outstanding engraving. Maybe they will see this and post pics of the pieces. Well done my friends...
  3. L

    Garage News: Happy Thanksgiving

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone. This farm boy is at the end of his intended writings. If I have offended I apologize. My intention was actually quite selfish. I wanted to remind myself of all the good in my life and in spite of a world filled with anger and despair there is much to be grateful for...
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    Garage News: Day Five Gratitude

    Well what is the old hairy guy going to say today? I will start by saying my intent was to have a week of gratitude posts- seven days- but like every good procrastinator I started one day late so it will be six days and now it is day five. It's time to zero in on the most important things. Today...
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    Garage News: Day Three Gratitude

    Today's gratitude is a story. Years ago I was driving to Emporia Kansas to teach a class for GRS/Glendo. It's a long trip 20 hours in a car and it crosses some of the most boring roads in the universe-southern Wyoming from Rock Springs to Laramie. The highlight of that stretch is usually a hawk...
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    Garage News: Day Four Gratitude

    Today I am grateful for mankind- our diversity and progress. Throughout my 62 years I have enjoyed the company and association of people from different races, religions, political viewpoints, gender attraction, and much more. I am grateful for what they have taught me. While I don't understand...
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    Garage New: day two gratitude

    The sun is coming up and soon it will be above the mountains giving us light and warmth. I'm grateful for the beauty it brings. The contrast of light and shade and how it changes as the sun moves across the sky. I'm grateful for how it chases frost from the ground, sparkles on icicles, glitters...
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    Garage News: Thanksgiving

    I'm going to get a jumpstart on Thanksgiving by beginning a gratitude thread. There is a lot of unpleasantness in the world- anger, contention, racism, misunderstandings, victimization, and discrimination to name a few. Nevertheless, if we look around there is much to be grateful for. Today I...
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    Garage News; Texas Teaching

    Just returned from a teaching engagement in Texas at Wes Griffin's Texas school of Engraving-wonderful students, stimulating discussion, and a great host. We covered a number of different areas including light and shade, how to identify the different areas of light and shade, why they are where...
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    Garage News; Texas Teaching

    Just returned from a teaching engagement in Texas at Wes Griffin's Texas school of Engraving-wonderful students, stimulating discussion, and a great host. We covered a number of different areas including light and shade, how to identify the different areas of light and shade, why they are where...
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    Garage News: painting progress report

    Here is the latest
  12. L

    Garage News: English scroll and paint

    I just finished this Martini Cadet. I am not asked to do English scroll very often and hope I am reasonably close. For my British friends who are appalled at this effort, feel free to put my picture on your dart board and have at it. I probably deserve it.
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    Garage News: Sunday Drawing

    From start to finish this took about 25 minute. I have a time lapse video but as yet have not figured out how to post it.
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    Garage News: Another Sunday Drawing

    Not very refined but I like the concept..
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    Seecamp stainless

    Has anyone engraved a see amp stainless? How did it cut?
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    Garage News: Sculpted buttplate progress

    Slowly coming along.
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    Garage News: the sculpting begins

    Starting a buttplate. Here are a couple in-progress shots.
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    Garage News: Christmas Day drawing

    This seemed like an appropriate activity. The subtlest shading changes or wave of hair makes a huge difference.
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    Garage News: Thanksgiving drawing

    I don’t often have or take time to draw for fun. I did this weekend. The original was an engraving I did on a Brian Powley prayer box. The original is about the size of a quarter and the image was pulled out of my head.
  20. L

    Garage News: The Eternal Project

    Yet a long way to go with too many interruptions.

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