If I just had to complain about something, maybe that last scroll at the top is a little large (bigger than the one it grows from), but that's total nitpicking. I think it looks really nice, well done.
300 Series stainless is just bad Ju-Ju! 416 stainless, on the other hand, cuts like a dream. I'm certainly no expert, but I think it's all about what kind of stainless you are trying to cut.
On Amazon look for "credit card bottle openers". You can get a big batch for about $0.25 each. just a little polishing up on a flat plate and you are good to go. They are some kind of stainless and they cut great, no rust.
For the same reasons as V150 I use the Lindsay palm control and the116 made with the template (cause I'm lazy and it's fast and easy.) But I used to use the foot control Artisan and did fine. I think a lot of it is what you get used to and master, for me any way.
Hello all, just a quick heads up on a cheap practice plate alternative. These credit card bottle openers are a pretty good, cheap, practice plate alternative. They are about 2" x 3" and they do have the bottle cap opening in them. I'm sure they are some kind of crappy Chinese stainless steel...