Trinocular recommendations for filming with new setup


Jul 14, 2012
As stated in a previous thread, I'm setting up a new powered set up to set and engrave with. I look forward to working under a scope that is well made, and a pleasure to use. I would very much like to be able to film through a third eye hole . I tell customers what hand engraving is, but I don't think they'll really understand till they see it :graver:
I suppose I'm able to spend up to 3 or so thousand? I'm spending a fair bit at GRS and a few other places, so less than 4k would be great. It would also be fantastic if setting up a camera wasn't hard. I have a few cameras I could use. Any advice from teachers and engraving experts here who regularly film their work would be greatly appreciated. I am from Australia and it is very hard to see these scopes anywhere in person. Best I can do is look online . Recommended sources for scopes is also appreciated .
So far I have looked up the zeis stemi 2000- looks promising. I think it's about $3000? Every shot seems to have scope low on a short post- without enough work room. Does it fit on an acrobat type system?

I've also looked up the Meiji Emz8. Tira mentioned it to me before as have less available light have to revisit her other points as I'll lose my post if I change windows again on an iPad .
Thanks for reading, Victoria


~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 3, 2011
Haida Gwaii
Check that it is true trinoc. There are some that will just swap one of your eyes with the camera. And so you sacrifice depth perception.


Chief Administrator & Benevolent Dictator
Staff member
Nov 6, 2006
Covington, Louisiana
The Zeiss Stemi 2000C is a trinocular scope which loses one eyepiece when you open the camera port. The Zeiss Stemi 2000CS is the model which allows both eyepieces to remain open when using the camera port, and is more expensive than the 2000C model.

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