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  1. S

    Intro - What can I do with the Gravermax

    For jewelry work. You can hammer bezels when stonesetting. You can use the gravermax instead of handpushing your gravers. So much easier and better for your body. You can use it for stonesetting by brightcutting, cutting pave and even putting a beading tool in the grs collet. You need to get a...
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    Millgrain tool for steel???

    Buy or make a beading tool. Then grind to sides off. So instead off a round shape it will be more like a oval with 2 flatsides. But dont grind to much away. Only the extra metal on the edges around the hole. This can be used in stead of a millgrain wheel. You will have much more control. The...
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    Help, please: Grs 901 compressors

    You can also look at the electric engraver ( then you wouldn't need a compressor.
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    Announcement: New instructional video on The Art of Flare Cutting

    What about cutting the other half in the opposite direction of the first cut? Then you are always cutting the roll angle. Either always away or always toward you what ever you prefer. So cut as you normaly would. Then for the 2nd cut rotate your work/vise 180degrees. Now you can cut the 2nd cut...
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    Anybody recognize these hammers.

    MTC= My 2 cents YMMV= Your Millage may vary Atleast thats what I think they mean. Not a native English speaker :)
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    Homemade pneumatic graver

    Look here plenty of videos that will help you. Also here Use translator if you dont speak russian. Then you can find very valuable information.
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    Question about coloring

    Maybe you can ask someone who has the equipment if they can help you. Vakschool in Schoonhoven has equipement to color titanium using baths so you can color the whole piece at once. So you need to use some paint or nailpolish to protect the parts that you want to anodize in a different colour...
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    So brass, copper or steel.

    I live in Holland/The Netherlands. I brought them at a metal store that specializes in all kinds of metal. Phosphor Bronze also has a technical name/number. I dont know what it is but it might make searching for it easier. OttoFrei sells them in small pre-cut sheets. Search for JURA PRACTISE...
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    So brass, copper or steel.

    Forget copper! Buy Phosphor bronze it 1000x better than copper. It does not oxidize overtime so your engravings will stay shiny. It cuts beautifully nice long curls. Bright cuts will be bright and stay bright. So you can show them to people without having first to remove the black layer like...
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    Trouble with laser printer transfers

    I have a SAMSUNG Xpress M2026W it works. I print on baking paper. That I tape to a normal piece of paper. Then run through the printer and use acetone to rub it on the metal. Rubs of fine. It was only about 75 euros if I remember. And ready to use. Only can print in black. So If you want color...
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    Hand engraving. Gold inlay

    классная работа! Super work! Different colors really make this unique.
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    Make a setting/ engraving bench

    Hi Johhny please post some of your setting work. Here are some plans:
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    Printer for acetone transfer

    I have a SAMSUNG M2026W for 75euro or so. It works with acetone transfer. It cant do color. I tape a piece of baking paper on a normal piece of paper. Then print on the baking paper. Then use acetone to transfer on to the metal.
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    Question: New to engraving, I have some questions

    Best idea would be to show the engraver pictures of the style you want. That way there is no confusion about styles & names.
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    Whats the name of this tool (Engravers Ball Alternative)

    I think the numbers are for the clamp that is specialy made for the part being engraved. With different parts having its own number and clamps. Maybe the vise is also their own making. It is a watchmaking company after all.
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    Polishing after engraving

    These yellow polishing cloths from Japan are the best. It will get you to a high polish. No need to use rouge or other polishing compounds on this cloth. When burnishing...
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    Best Size for tubing

    Maybe easier to find a coupling piece that will go from 3mm on one side to what ever diameter you need on the other. something like this maybe: Also, can you post a picture of your homemade device? I...
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    Looking for an affordable way to get started

    You don't need a expensive sharpening fixture. Start with a 90degree graver. This is just a square piece of metal. With the the front sharpened. And a round graver, made from a round rod. Easy no need to do fancy angles like with a 120degree graver. If you are in Germany there are multiple...
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    Honest Question

    This picture was taken in the Rijksmuseum in the Netherlands. And aparantly the (school)kids are on their phones to lookup some information. Or they had an app to tell them about the art...
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    Today's fixturing tip

    It looks like laserwelding! Very weird, must have been a very low setting to not mess up the plating. The guy who did it probably also had a hard time keeping it secure. So then decided to use a laser to make the letters in stead of engraving.