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  1. Dave London

    Dulling Glaring Distracting Reflective Surfaces when Photographing

    It also works to dull glare when engraving, thanks Daniel Houwer tip
  2. Dave London

    Favorite Sandpaper

    I forgot to mention you can use the 3M with oil or water. I use stoning oil. Good luck
  3. Dave London

    Favorite Sandpaper

    To prep practice plates I buy cold roll steel 3/16 inch thick from speedy metals. Much lest slag, then I use a palm wood work sander with 220 grit stick on disc’s, then move up to 400 grit and stop. MTC YMMV
  4. Dave London

    Favorite Sandpaper

    I use 3m micro graded plastic backed, rio grand is a supplier. Lasts longer and doesn’t fall apart
  5. Dave London

    Using a hardened bronze flat to remove excess gold from wire inlay

    I have used a steel flat wood carving chisel with the corners slightly rounded , by hand YMMV MTC
  6. Dave London

    Help, please: Copper Inlaying techniques

    Under cut the channel make the channel about 3/4 depth of wire diameter. anneal the wire just before use, copper just sitting around can be come hard MTC YMMV
  7. Dave London

    removing info on guns

    TOS i have used a angle grinder with sanding disc on 1911 slide. Got to be light and fast handed. LOL
  8. Dave London

    Best (cheapest) place for Jun-Air oil?

    Or do what I did call the compressor manufacturer and request a MSDS sheet for the oil. They are required to provide one. I ended up buying a 5 gallon can for I think $120.00 delivered. Some where here is a thread on this subject. I have a silentair compressor
  9. Dave London

    Rashid El Hadi

  10. Dave London

    Dividers and Calipers

    Steve Lindsay makes the scriber it does not flex . I have no connection with the company at all just like his products
  11. Dave London

    Curious what is going on with this gun- etched, engraved, corroded?

    Walter first I am in awe of your work, thanks for the photos that appears to be damage caused by blood which will Cause rust on metal , common found on guns of war.
  12. Dave London

    Who engraved this?

    Yep I have screaming in to the wind for over 40 /years about the need for shop classes in high schools. Now a few educators are coming to realize college is not necessary. We have a local school that specialized in teaching trades, there is hope. And the three Rs
  13. Dave London

    Grip cap screws

  14. Dave London

    New member seeking critiquing or advise.

    Go to. Scott is about a hour north of you take some classes. Excellent teacher save your self a lot of blood,sweat, and tears. Don’t ask how I know this. Good luck
  15. Dave London


    And too you and yours
  16. Dave London

    Help, please: Help a newb starting his journey from blank

    The Lindsay Palm control will run about 8 hours on a 20 oz co2 tank. MTC YMMV
  17. Dave London

    Ngraver Company?

    Thanks Roger
  18. Dave London

    Ngraver Company?

    Thanks Roger, may I ask the last photo of Louis. It appears he has a wood hammer head attached to the side his chasing hammer
  19. Dave London

    Ngraver Company?

    I /bought half a dozen of Rays wood handles after he retired . I like the wood also I think it absorbs some of the shock. Don’t use them much but I like them on my bench as a reminder of a fine gentleman.