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  1. edgrabow15

    Help, please: Practice Template

    I realize that, it doesn't help you if your A Non computer type like myself though and type the URL into Google where you would expect to put it. It just brings you to the site where you buy the DVD and leaves you there with nothing else. Someone else told me that after you go to that site you...
  2. edgrabow15

    Help, please: Practice Template

    It worked thanks.
  3. edgrabow15

    Help, please: Practice Template

    I'll give it a try as soon as I get home. Thanks a ton. I'll let you know if it works
  4. edgrabow15

    Help, please: Practice Template

    Sam I bought the Deep Relief S6culpting DVD. I went to the site I was directed to on the label to get the transfer template to practice along with you but when I get to the site I can't find any way to get the template. All my other purchases that I bought on direct download are there but this...
  5. edgrabow15

    Homemade pneumatic graver

    Yeah I remember back in the good old days in Attica, making my own tattoo machines from a tape recorder & guitar string, Than you heat up baby oil to make black ink and away we go LOL Just kidding about the Attica part, I did make one when I was 16 though just like I described
  6. edgrabow15

    Browning BAR engraved with six game scenes. Here's three of them.

    These are Great JJ, I really like the Oak Leaves and Egg Corns, They're really beautiful when done correctly like you've done here, 5 STARS
  7. edgrabow15

    A little scrollwork

    I just ordered mine from a guy named Joey Bag a donuts in Jersey, Is this stuff supposed to glow? Just kidding, I get my 3 1/2 X 7 inch metal plates to practice on from Brownells, I cut them down to smaller sizes with a shear I bought ( Its manual but works great on the steel plates up to 1/8 th...
  8. edgrabow15

    A little scrollwork

    WOW, Perfect description, Thanks so much Now I have another tool for my arsenal . And I'll remember about the gold sticking to the cerometal, Where do you get it if you dont mind me asking another question ?
  9. edgrabow15

    A little scrollwork

    I'm gonna be totally honest I have no idea what that means, are you casting your own stainless with another metal added ? Is that it ? Don't mean to look stupid but I gotta ask. I love learning Different things about this. Is there a video I can watch maybe explaining it?
  10. edgrabow15

    A little scrollwork

    this is beautiful, so much to study, Is this in steel, Aluminum ? I'm talking about the canvas base metal
  11. edgrabow15

    Inkjet Transfer Recommendation

    P/M me if you want, I think I can help.
  12. edgrabow15

    Engraving of watch

    Once again, Beautiful job, I really love the shadow work on the up & overs, subtle yet very important to the look of the piece, It's what has been missing in some of my projects, Thanks again for sharing this.
  13. edgrabow15

    Engraving of watch

    Very nice, I love Celtic design and find myself doing it a lot.
  14. edgrabow15

    Turn On The Light

    Cool idea.
  15. edgrabow15

    GRS came through with help fixing issue

    I have to say GRS is very good with their customer service. I've had mine for a while and suddenly it just wouldn't produce air , they connected me with the inhouse repair guy. Talked me thru about 15 minutes of easy disassembly work , a little twerk here a tiny twerk there and she was putting...
  16. edgrabow15

    Conversion of standard handpieces and GRS GraverMax to use AT palm control

    I was a boat upholstery /canvas guy for almost 20 yrs. When I was younger. The throttle of the machines are a foot pedal on the floor level. The rod coming down with the small oval padding thing at the end right by your knee is actually used to lift the foot of the machine ( that's the small...
  17. edgrabow15

    Conversion of standard handpieces and GRS GraverMax to use AT palm control

    That's great news, I actually have both now also. The palm control is great and very easy to adjust to in my opinion. Keep scratching brother, nothing can hold back an engraver who really not just wants to, but NEEDS TO engrave or life doesn't feel complete LOL
  18. edgrabow15

    Conversion of standard handpieces and GRS GraverMax to use AT palm control

    Allen, Foot surgery sux, especially when its your dominant foot, Im right handed in most everything, I had the ultimate surgery on my right foot, The whole right leg up to the knee was amputated after a bad motorcycle accident, I had a left foot gas pedal put in my car so forth and so on, I...
  19. edgrabow15

    Latest work

    Absolutely Beautiful David,

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