Who's Who of Engravers Directory , need your help

James Miller

Mar 31, 2009
Surrey, England
Some UK engravers from the past and present for the list

Theodore Wise, Alan Wise (their company was T&A Wise)
Bert Prior, Jesse Miller ( Prior & Miller ) Jesse Miller was my grandfather.
Larry O'Connel, Steve Munroe, Peter McCabe, Graham Hamilton, George Lukes, Ben Hinton, Chris Sole.
The enclosed photo is of a job of mine for The Sultan of Oman, engraved by Steve Munroe as I lacked confidence in the size of the job, which was 34 inches tall. Made from silver with a lapiz background to the face of the Sultan.


  • Oman shield  1.jpg
    Oman shield 1.jpg
    90.8 KB · Views: 143

James Miller

Mar 31, 2009
Surrey, England
That's really interesting very nice work. It's also huge at 34" tall. What did that thing weigh.

Hello Mike, The Oman display plaque was all silver and mounted on rosewood and the silver alone weighed approximately 7 Kilos. I actually made a few simlar plaques as they were gifts from various Omani government departments to the Sultan on the anniversary of Oman. I am sure there are many pieces being made for next year as it is the 40th anniversary of the current Sultanate of Oman. I also used to make a lot of regalia for Oman.

Christopher Malouf

~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Jun 19, 2007
5mi from the nearest Dunkin Donuts in Tennessee
William Hogarth

(Humm ... looks like I missed something there on the last page.)

Scott ... I wanted to add this awhile back but haven't had a chance to scan anything in or put together some sort of reference that will not only assist you but substantiate my claim.

I mentioned Waterman L. Ormsby sometime ago and there is a huge amount of high resolution prints attributed to him that are available for download at the Library of Congress. The bank-note rendering of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, that appears on the back of the $2 bill, is his work and the high res print at the L.O.C. is incredible.


I would like to suggest William Hogarth ... a late 18th century and early 19 century illustrator from England and was considered a genius of the time.

There is a two volume set of his complete works which was printed in 1833. His most famous work is considered to be the "Adoption of Moses" by the Queen Pharaoh of Egypt. That is in the second volume and I can scan that and post it if anyone is interested in seeing it.

The first volume .... which gives a great biography of his life and work, is available on the Gutenberg Project. I recently stumbled across it so I can now provide an easy link to the text and images contained in that volume to back up my suggestion.


I know there are a great deal of names being thrown at you here in this thread ... I hope that by providing an actual resource, it can be of some aid to you in determining the historical significance of engravers, like William Hogarth, who have been lost by the passing of time.

See you in six weeks,

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Barry Lee Hands

~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Feb 7, 2007
Las Vegas
Couple more "old timers":) J.C. Randell, and Joseph...

There is one that probably no one outside of California & Nevada ever heard of - Francis Harry. He was a huge influence on me.

Brian Marshall

Hi Brian,
Fran Harry was a big influence on my early work also, through my association with Gist Engravers in Vacaville California. My view may be a little narrow, but I have always considered Fran Harry to be the Father of modern western engraving.
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Elite Cafe Member
Dec 8, 2006
Montgomery, Alabama

I vote for Bob Finlay. He will make his influence know yet!

I hope to see him again. Maybe at the engrave in?


Les Holmes
Apr 27, 2009
Stone Mountain, Georgia
John E. Warren, engraver and gunsmith.

John E. Warren was my grandfather, so I can certainly help you add information about him in the "Who's Who.." Directory. I'm currently archiving photos of his engravings that I have and will probably begin a quest to track down the current whereabouts of some of the firearms he engraved so I can arrange for more photos. Anybody who knows the current whereabouts of any of his work, let me know. I have his accounting records, so I know the original clients, but after so many years quite a few have likely changed hands more than once. My goal is to compile a book of photos and information on his life and work.

I also have dental plaster casts of a number of the engravings he did so I will photograph some of the fine details from those to share.

Bill Gaylord

Barry Lee Hands

~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Feb 7, 2007
Las Vegas
Hi Scott, you old bookworm, I think this is a great project, and have some info about me that may help you.
I have engraved over 300 firearms in my career.
here are some excerpts from my resume:

Barry Lee Hands

First employed as an Engraver in 1977 at the age of seventeen years, I am qualified with all Engraving techniques including Push Gravers, Hammer and Chisel, Bulino, Gold Inlay, Etching and Pneumatic Handpiece. I can engrave any design, in any style, in an expedient manner.
I have been contracted on numerous occasions to teach the Art of Engraving, and have a broad range of contacts in Custom, Production, Commercial and Industrial Firearm and Engraving Industries in the USA, Italy, England, Japan, Thailand, Republic of the Philippines, and Mexico.


1991 to present, Owner, Barry Lee Hands Fine Firearms and Engraving
Full service custom engraving and training services for Trevallion Gunstocks, Dakota Arms, John Wilkes and Company, The Colt Custom shop, The Winchester Custom shop, C. Sharps Arms Co, Montana Silversmiths, Ithaca Gun Company, Dupont Kguns, and John Rigby and Co.
Master Engraver status in the Firearms Engravers Guild of America and Regular member of the American Custom Gunmakers Guild. I was chosen to engrave the American Custom Gunmakers Guild project firearm number thirteen.
In 2009 I was honored with the awards "Engravers Choice Award of Merit" and " Best Engraved Rifle Award" at the ACGG/FEGA show in Reno.
Past Moderator of the online forum, engravingforum.com
I have written several articles on engraving for magazines including The Double Gun Journal, Shooting Sportsman, Gunmaker, and Engraver. I am the Official Cinematographer for Double Gun Journal, recently completing the feature length video “British Sporting Arms at Auction”.

2003 to2005, Factory Trade Show Rep and Instructor, GRS Corporation
GRS was the world’s premier manufacturer of hand engraving equipment. I demonstrated product at worldwide trade shows, in addition to teaching classes at their state of the art facility in Emporia Kansas.

1987 to 1988, Engraver, Treasure State Foundry
Hired by Steve Huff, A Belgian trained Engraver, to work with Dan Goodwin, A former Colt Custom Shop Master Engraver, to use my skills manufacturing Custom Belt Buckles. I was trained with Hammer and Chisel at this time.

1977 to 1981, Western Engraver, Gist Engravers, Silver State Silver
Trained by Ethan Jacczak in Bright cut western engraving, I worked with Ken Moore, Ken Smith, Darren Reeves and Gary Gist.
Some of my work from this period was in the Rodeo Cowboy Hall Of Fame.
Hugh Weaver studied with me at Silver State during this time.

References: David Trevallion , Jerry Fisher ,
Steve Lindsay , Michael MacIntosh

I hope this helps your datbase.
Thanks, Barry
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Roger Bleile

~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Oct 4, 2007
Northern Kentucky

Do you know if Dan Goodwin and Steve Huff are still in the engraving business? Just curious as I haven't seen their names come up in years.



Barry Lee Hands

~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Feb 7, 2007
Las Vegas
Hi Roger,
Dan Goodwin , last I heard was working as a tool sharpener at a vendor to Boeing in the Seattle area. I think he is doing well at it.
I have not heard a thing about Steve Huff in 15 years or so, I dont think he is in the business anymore, but I dont know for sure.

Kevin P.

~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Feb 28, 2008
Nambe, NM
Roger, that's an amazing list and it's great that you gave a tag to each name. I'm very new to this but I'm interested in the history and influences.
Your inclusion of patrons is very much to the point. Most recently seeing Alain L's work I wondered how that came about. There is someone who sees the beauty of his work and supports it financially; that's important.
Kevin P.

Kevin P.

~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Feb 28, 2008
Nambe, NM
Scott, it's a wonderful thing you're doing.

I have some skills as a copy reader and proof reader.
Somewhere down the line perhaps I can volunteer.
Kevin P.

Frank P

Elite Cafe Member
Nov 15, 2006
names who definetely have impact on quiet some engravers..the current teachers at Leon Mignon engraving school in Liege Belgium : Jean Marie Florent, Jean
Marie Deprez, Cecile Doms..:thumbs up:
more big names from Liege : Jean Diet and Rocky Capece, absolute world class engravers, who were ever prepared to share tools and techniques to us ,youngsters, in pre- engraverscafé times.. it was not so evident to gather information back then ,but those gentlemen helped lots of us out .. R E S P E C T :beerchug:


~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 14, 2006
in the land of Scrolls,
Frank and Chris, yes, these people should be included. Can you please write a small bio, or as much information as you can on these engravers, and I will get them uploaded.

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Elite Cafe Member
Mar 24, 2009
I sent a short word document with all the info i could find to yor web email address, so hope thats ok.

Small payback for a wonderful teacher :)


Nov 11, 2009
engravers of note

Try A B Bradshaw engraver he has a web site bradshawgunengraver.com and has a gun for sale by Drakes for a large sum. It featured prehistoric scenes and was a one of a kind 4 bore by Ken Owen of Memphis. A very interesting piece. I think he must be decent enough and working long enough and staying alive engraving to be mentioned. If you need names he is a low key engraver and usually does not sell his name but sells his work.


~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 14, 2006
in the land of Scrolls,
Chris, the info you sent me is uploaded. Check it please.

Art, I looked at the Bradshaw site, I was'nt aware of this person, but from what I can read of his bio, and looking at his work, I am not sure he qualifies in terms of overall impact on the engraving world. Also, his work itslef is another thing, it seems to be very complicated , with sculpture and multiple inlays, but the execution seems to leave a lot to be desired. Maybe it's just the small pictures on the site, I don't know.

Crazy Horse

Elite Cafe Member
Nov 9, 2006
A name you mght wish to add to the listing is one Joseph Glahn. He did some work for L.C. Smith and is in the L.C. Smith book by James Brophy.

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