Hey guys and girls, I received my kit late yesterday and finally got to open this evening. My first impression was wondering how on earth I was going to be able to replicate any of this. I own Sam’s dvds on scrollwork and engraving scrollwork but do more drawing than anything. Now I haven’t...
Hello monk! This is after engraving, I was sent something different than agreed upon by customer so I played it safe. What I ended up doing was the transfer straight to surface and letting it dry until the next day. Using the ring light from the scope I constantly rotated the vice to see the...
I have a customer wanting an vector image put on black anodized aluminum and I am hoping to have someone give me a good idea of maybe a compound I could use without taking color off or some trick to help me make the transfer happen. Thanks for the space. :)
Right now I’ve got an articulating stand running off my bench to a drill press stand with my positioning vise. The chair I’m using feels like it has too much play in the back so I’m arching to engrave. I’ve always had bad posture
I’m looking to upgrade an old office chair that isn’t really doing the trick for my back anymore. I’ve been looking at everything from saddles, to round tops, to drum thrones. Any suggestions would be awesome and bonus points if you guys have any pictures of your set up.
If you want something cheap and easy invest in some Lindsay sharpening templates and a drill press from harbor freight. I buy disc from Amazon for around $11.
Hey guys, maybe an odd question but the eye shields I got with my microscope came a little loose and I could knock them off super easy. Well the time has come that one was knocked off and nowhere to be found. (I.e cat has probably stolen) I’ve noticed styles with a side piece coming off to limit...
After much practice I have found a few tricks that help so much, still have some learning and discovering to do on my jaws and especially my teeth. Just wanted to share with you fine folk. :)
Rick Alexander has an easy video to follow. I built mine inspired by the one he made. He also makes hand pieces for them. If you have a drill you can make a minimal version of this
Thanks for responding monk! It is actually for hobo nickels. I believe it’s 28g dead soft copper. I have a tool made for inlaying that a good friend made me but thinking about what you’re saying I am probably hitting it to hard and too much as it flattens fast. I think my biggest issue is my...
Hello everyone! I hope you are all reading this healthy and happy. I come today looking for help in setting up my plain for inlaying.
I have watched some videos on the topic and still am having trouble getting my desired result of the soft copper to actually “inlay”.
If anyone would mind...